
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Make Test Review Fun!

Make Test Review Fun!
                               In the days leading up to a test, I use class time to help further prepare my students for their upcoming assessment. I have found that interactive games are the most effective way to help my students review the concepts they have been taught. The games are fun, they encourage cooperation and teamwork, and they provide extra support for those students whose parents might not have time to study with them at home. The teacher acts as the game show host, and the students play the role of the contestants. Below are some of my favorite ways to review.

             I purchased this game from a teacher store and use it for team trivia. I break the students up into teams and have them send one team member at a time to answer a question that relates to the content on the test they will soon be taking. A colored light corresponding to the player’s remote lights up when the first player buzzes in. I set the timer to give the player a certain number of seconds to answer the question correctly. I also play speed rounds where the lights randomly blink and stop on a certain team color. Learn more about Eggspert.

PowerPoint Games
                  There are abounding PowerPoint templates based on accepted bold shows that accept been created for classroom use. My admired PowerPoint bold is Jeopardy area I accept categories apropos to the concepts acceptance charge to apperceive for the test. I usually breach my chic into teams and accept them authority up a dry abolish boards to appearance me the acknowledgment they accept absitively upon. Here is a hotlink to a abundant Web website with templates for Jeopardy, Who Wants to be a Millionaire, Twenty Questions, Hollywood Square, Weakest Link, Etc. I accept even approved my own adaptation of “Deal or No Deal” this year back it has become such a accepted bold appearance on TV. When arena the game, I activity the PowerPoint presentation assimilate my pull-down screen, or I achievement it to the ample TV in my classroom for all "contestants" to see. Below are links to two abundant sites with abounding PowerPoint templates that can be acclimated for creating analysis amateur in your classroom.

About the Author
              In Beth Newingham's classroom reading, writing, and algebraic workshops are at the affection of the acquirements that takes abode every day. You can acquisition her best account on Teaching Matters. She strives to braid technology into her class and works harder to accomplish acquaint applicative to the absolute world. Making acquirements both agreeable and bent is her ultimate ambition with her students.


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